Elgin South Public Consultation
Thank you for visiting our Elgin South public consultation page. Here you will find information about our future plans for this development.
Elgin South Consultation Information
This consultation provides the local community with an opportunity to view the proposals for the new development and provide comment ahead of the formal submission of a planning application.
Please have a look at the proposals HERE.
Elgin South Community Consultation Event
The Proposed Development – An Opportunity to Comment
Springfield Properties PLC invites members of the local community to attend a pre-planning application public consultation events regarding its draft proposals for development at Elgin South. The public consultation event has been arranged to provide a forum for the general public and any other interested parties to make comments in respect of our proposals, prior to the formal submission of an application for planning permission to Moray Council.
The Consultation Event:
On Thursday 25th August we held an online consultation event from 7pm to 9pm. A panel from our land and planning team were on-hand to run through a short presentation and then answer any questions.
All comments should have been submitted no later than 21st September 2022 in order that such comments can be considered by the prospective applicant before the submission of a formal planning application.
The next steps:
- Following conclusion of these public consultation events, comments will be comprehensively assessed and reviewed. These will be taken into consideration in preparing a detailed application for planning permission;
- The collective comments from these public consultation events will be included in a Pre-Planning Application Public Consultation Report which will accompany the application for planning permission to be submitted to Moray Council. Such a document is a statutory requirement of the planning application process.
- The planning application will also be accompanied by a Design & Access Statement, a Supporting Planning Statement, a Transportation Assessment, an Ecological Appraisal, an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation, Noise Assessment, a Site Investigation Report and a Site Drainage Strategy.
Please note, comments made to the prospective Applicant do not constitute representations to the Planning Authority. A further opportunity to make representations to Moray Council will be available following formal submission of the planning application.