Entries open for Rattray Blair Half Marathon
24th April 2023

The highly popular Rattray Blair Half Marathon, organised by avid runner and local man, Peter Ritchie, is set to return with entries now open.
Taking place 4th June, this is the fifth year of the event sponsored by house builders Springfield Properties. The route is thought to be one of the most scenic half marathon routes in Scotland, starting and finishing near Rattray Primary School while passing by open fields and the River Ericht.
Entries are now open for the event, which typically attracts 200 runners, and 100 walkers, and has raised an impressive £18,000 over the last four events for a number of local charities. This year, the profits will be donated to Guide Dogs for the Blind (Forfar) and Perthshire Women’s Aid.
Open to all ages and abilities, there are a number of prizes available for top runners and for those walking.
Peter said:
“We’re really excited for the half marathon this year. We have raised over £18,000 for nearly 10 local charities and causes over our last four events, and as it’s our fifth anniversary, we’re hoping to raise a great sum this year.
“There are already 123 runners and walkers signed up, myself included, and we’re encouraging those in running groups, those who run for fun or those that enjoy a nice long walk to join us.
“This event wouldn’t be possible without the support and donations from local businesses. We’re especially grateful to Springfield Properties who have consistently supported the event since we started in 2018, to Co-op, Mackie’s and Tunnock’s who are donating snacks and we are currently on the lookout for a water supplier.”
Entries cost £20 for walkers and runners and must be submitted by 21st May. Those taking part on the day will each receive a t-shirt, a bespoke medal and goody bag.